LIVE episodes

What's in the Box!? (Brought to you by Sweetwater)

DOD and DigiTech have been revived (LIVE with Tom Cram)

Why I Profiled 70 Amps (Live with Tone Junkie and the Kemper)

The JHS Germanium Boost (Rangemaster Treble Booster Clone)

Can You Hear It? With Rob Scallon

Rarest Pedal Merchandise with Rob Scallon

Echo-Fix Tape Echo EF-X2 Demonstration (Boss DR-670, JHS Mini-Echotech Delay, ProCo R2DU RAT)

The Greatest Pedal Advertisements! (Super Fuzz Giveaway!)

First Impressions: Meris LVX Delay and Morley Analog Multi FX

David Rainger of Rainger FX Takes Over the JHS Show

JHS Double Barrel and Sweet Tea Dual Drive Pedals

A Deep Dive into UAD's Amp Emulators

Will Addison Earn His Rightful Place Opening for the Killers?

Watch Us Demo 87 New Pedals From Our Favorite Makers

History Of Guitar (Part 3) 1939-1949 (Les Paul and The Log, Leo Fender, Paul Bigsby)

Critical Rig Pt. 5

Is This the Rarest Big Muff Clone Ever?

Story of the JHS Emperor

Addison Faces His Worst Fears in the Studio of Fate Ep. 4

BEETRONICS Swarm and Boss re-202 space echo (Pedal Unboxing)

Addison Joins A Biker Band (Critical Rig Ep. 3)

Examining Guitars Greatest Logos with Aaron Draplin

Can Addison Build a Queen Guitar Rig? (Critical Rig Ep.2)

How to Make an Acoustic Guitar Sound Great (Featuring Taylor Guitars)

The Boss VB-2 VS Behringer Ultra Vibrato (With IDLES' Lee Kiernan)

Can Addison Hang with Hip Hop legend Dr. Crook? (Critical Rig Ep.1)

Revv, Tilt Overdrive and TC Electronic, Infinite Unboxing (Giveaway)

Expand Your Guitar Sound with Nashville Tuning (ft. the JHS 3 Series!)

Does This Mosrite FUZZrite Say Electro Harmonix?

Can the RAT do all of these tones? (JHS PackRat)

Josh Reads Your Hate Comments

Just Try Stuff: Episode 4

Emily Harpist Takes Over the JHS Show!

Whats New? (Beetronics - Zzombee, CXM 1978, Browne Amplification - The Fixer, and more)

$4,000 Big Muff V.S. $99 Big Muff

Mythos Pedals Suck: LIVE with Zach Broyles

What's in the Box Ep. 3

Totally Normal Behavior: Episode 4

New and Notable (Acorn, Dreadbox, Source Audio, Sundance, Empress)

$7K Klon V.S. $30 Clone (Can You Hear It? Ep. 1)

New and Notable

What's In The Box?

New and Notable

Totally Normal Behavior - Ep. 3

The Digitech Factory Series Rundown

How We Make JHS Pedals! (Plus Giveaways)

The Legends of Fuzz Suck (Live Fuzz Tasting)

What's in the Box? (Ep 1)

New and Notable (Mythos, Fjord Fuzz, Walrus, Tru-Fi, Ibanez, Empress,TC Electronic)

Totally Normal Behavior (Ep. 2)

Modern Fuzz Pedal Roundup with Rhett Shull

New and Notable (Mother Mary, Summer School, Acorn, Two Notes, Empress, Frost Giant)

DOD 250 Clones and Variants

The New Maestro Pedals (With Daniel Danger)

TNB: Big Muff, Elk Fuzz, Gretsch ContoFuzz, DOD Grunge, Guyatone, Super Fuzz, Ibanez Standard Fuzz

RAT Clones You've Never Seen Before

Pedals You Don't Want To Miss Out On

Best New Guitar Pedals of 2021

The JHS Show Holiday Watch Party

Do You Need A Kemper Profiler? (With Tone Junkie TV)

The Rarest JHS Pedals Ever Made!

Electro-Harmonix VS Sovtek Amp Shootout

What's New? (Featuring RAT, Weird Noise, Whimsy Machines, Neunaber Audio and more!)

LIVE: Five Questions With Brian Wampler (Wampler Pedals)

LIVE: Music Theory of Josh's Jams (With Zane Carney)

LIVE: New and Notable Pedals (June 2021)

LIVE: Is The BOSS Waza Tonebender Worth It?

Classified: A Live Pedal Treasure Hunt Experience

LIVE: Josh's Post Surgery Pedal Picks

LIVE: The Pedal Movie Exclusive (w/ Directors Michael Lux & Dan Orkin)

LIVE: Soviet And Russian Pedal History (w/ Tone Mob)

LIVE: Matthews Effects Pedals Rundown (w/ Rick Matthews)

LIVE: New and Notable Pedals in Josh's Collection

LIVE: Behind the Scenes (Cast and Crew)

LIVE - Pedals The Musical Rig Rundown with Rhett Shull

LIVE: Pedal World News (Pedals: The Musical)

LIVE: Why Did Universal Audio Release Guitar Pedals? (w/ James Santiago, Tore Mogensen & Josh Smith)

LIVE: Josh Rates Your Favorite Youtuber's Guitar Rigs

LIVE: Why Tube Pedals Exist (w/ Browne Amplification)

LIVE: Spring Reverb Pedal Shootout (w/ 60 Cycle Hum)

History Of The NAMM Show

LIVE: Building A Pedalboard Against The Clock

Why I'm Selling A $500,000 Klon On Reverb

LIVE: The Best Pedals of 2020

LIVE: Building A New Pedal Board / Live Jams

LIVE: The Best Modular Pedal Ever? (Foxrox Mini Zim)

LIVE: Ask Us Anything! PART 2

LIVE: Ask Us Anything! PART 1

LIVE: Everything Klon Centaur (History, Circuit and Shootouts)

LIVE: What's the Deal with the Amazon Pedals?

LIVE: Greatest Pedal Book Ever Made (Stompbox Book with Eilon Paz)

LIVE: How I Started Building Pedals

LIVE: JHS Pedals Amps In A Box

LIVE: Synth Pedals For Guitar / Q&A (with Nick!)

First Impressions: Catalinbread Softfocus FX40 and Boss Slicer SL-2

LIVE: Delay Pedals / Q&A

LIVE: KORG Toneworks / Q&A

LIVE: Legends Of Fuzz / Q&A

LIVE: Mod Your Fuzz Face / Q&A

LIVE: What's In Josh's Mailbox? (New Pedals!)